With girls from Morning Star Academy

Alexandra, Hoops Care new volunteer is very passionate about volleyball. On her first day she made it known that she will love to work with girls in teaching them the sport. Being an excellent idea as it falls within the scope of HCI, letters has been sent to six partner schools to have their girls volley ball participants take part in a two weeks training program.

One challenge for the volleyball program is the lack of a playing space. She was fast to suggest training on the beach which is a close proximity to the basketball court and the idea of beach volleyball is born in HCI’s youth sports program.

A tournament is expected to be hosted by the end of the month to have the girls compete in a fair and competitive environment.

Invited schools include:

  • Morning Star Academy
  • George Ekem Ferguson Prep. School
  • Futures Academy
  • Philip Quaque Girls School
  • Wesley Girls School
  • Golden Treasures International School

We’ll keep you updated as this program grows.

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One Response to “Girls Beach Volleyball in section”

  • Alorgbey Enoch Tetteh October 10, 2012

    I am a student of Labone Senior High and i want to ask whether you have the boys volleyball team also that i can also take part in it.Thank you

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Hoops Care International (HCI) is a non-governmental organization located in the community of Amanful in Cape Coast, Ghana. It officially began in 2008 as a program to empower youth in the community through sports. Since then, it has grown to include care and outreach surrounding health and education. HCI works closely with youth from twelve schools in Cape Coast, along with single mothers, teen mothers, and handicapped individuals. In addition to running regular activities and programs surrounding sports, health, and education, HCI also coordinates events to address important issues. HCI has made a significant impact with its programs already, and always looks for new ways to support and empower community members


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