
An Empowerment Disability Conference 2012, organized jointly by Janaston Management (USA), Unique Afrique Travel Ministries (USA) and Hoops Care International (Ghana), will introduce information about issues surrounding disabilities, available services for care, promoting access to livelihood options and to empower self-determination through self-awareness for the positive continuum of life for persons with disabilities in the [...]

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Hoops Care International (HCI) is a non-governmental organization located in the community of Amanful in Cape Coast, Ghana. It officially began in 2008 as a program to empower youth in the community through sports. Since then, it has grown to include care and outreach surrounding health and education. HCI works closely with youth from twelve schools in Cape Coast, along with single mothers, teen mothers, and handicapped individuals. In addition to running regular activities and programs surrounding sports, health, and education, HCI also coordinates events to address important issues. HCI has made a significant impact with its programs already, and always looks for new ways to support and empower community members


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